
The game "blob community" is a playful simulation of the spread of messages within a social network. Therefore, we are studying a community of fictional characters called blobs. It is simplified to a few attributes and does not have any scientific rigor. The user can observe the emergence and spread of hate speech, the connections between blobs, the development of filter bubbles, and other dynamic developments. They can manipulate these processes through interventions such as account suspensions, content filters, and social movements. The behavior of the "blobs" depends on various factors (hate, resilience, activity, etc.). The game was created as part of the "BpB Game Jam 2024" in Hamminkeln on the topic "counter speech on the internet."


  • Slime Monster by: Bonsaiheldin | Open Game Art
  • Music by: Crabman
  • With special thanks to the Federal Agency for Civic Education in Germany (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb) for organizing this game jam.


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